How to Teach Your Dogs Complicated Commands

dog trainingWhen training a dog, the easiest way to deal with a behavioral problem might simply be to prevent the unwanted behavior from happening. To achieve this you can resort to training a dog in obedience. This training will teach your dog only actions you want him to have but will show him which ones to avoid.

Many behavioral problems can be prevented by providing acceptable ways for your dog to express its natural impulses. There are some things that dogs simply need to do.

So instead of trying to get your dog to stop doing things like taking everything he finds at home, what you should do is focus on channeling these impulses in the right direction. Increased physical activity and mental enrichment are excellent complements to training.

If you want to learn how to train a dog in obedience or if your dog has a behavior problem that you would like to solve, do not hesitate to get help from a professional trainer. It is common for many pet owners to believe they are able to control everything with regard to their dog.

How to Train a Dog in Obedience

Although it is advisable to seek help from a professional to train a dog in obedience, there are things you can try . Trying to control a dog that has not learned orders of obedience is exhausting and often almost impossible.

The answer to the most common question…. can dog learn complicated commands? Is YES! Keep in mind that puppies have short attention spans and it is unreasonable to expect them to pay full attention for a long period of time. Keep the sessions short at the beginning to minimize distractions and keep your dog’s attention and gradually increasing the amount of time devoted to training a dog in obedience every day. These are the main obedience commands you can work with your pet


Get to the level of your puppy. Hold a treat close to your nose and let your head follow it as you move your hand up.As your head moves up, your butt will come down.When your bottom touches the floor, drop the candy in your mouth. You immediately praise him for his brilliance.Repeat it several times a day and combine behavior with the word “sit” Repetitions are important, but your dog will surely tire of multiple repetitions. Instead, do this training several times a day in short sessions.

Reinforce the command in other situations like meals. Make it sit before putting your plate on the floor or before opening the door to take it for a walk.If he does not respond properly, remind him of his work by saying gently, “Well, let’s try it again” before opening the door.

If this command is reinforced every time you ask your dog to sit away from the door, it will be less likely to run when the door is opened. In this case, the sit command may be more like a lifeguard.


The command “come” is another useful tool for training a dog in obedience. Especially for the handling of unpleasant behaviors in puppies. This command can help keep a dog out of danger or gives him a job to do. If you escape from a fenced yard or walk out an open door, this command can also save your life. This basic skill is one that you both will use and refine for the rest of your life.

How to teach the “Come” command:

Tie a leash on your dog’s collar and let it drag it around.
After he gets accustomed to the leash, pick up the end and hold him while you follow him around the yard. As you get used to this, you will begin to understand that the two are bound.

With some goodies in your hand, he walks backward, encouraging him to follow you. Once you turn to him, say “yes” and give him a treat. Tell him he’s the smartest dog breeds in the world!

Begin to associate behavior with the word “come”. Whenever you respond correctly, praise and reward. Make the command “come” a game your puppy wants to play.

Do not make the bad habit of shouting repeatedly “Come, come, come” if you do not respond to the order. Remember the rule is a single word and a single order. Once your dog understands the command, if he does not react the first time you ask, go to him and guide him gently to where you want him to be.

If you are standing in the yard or at the door and you indicate the order repeatedly, he or she does not understand the command yet, or you are expecting very little.

Never use this command to bring it when you are going to scold it. If so, you will learn to associate the command with a negative consequence. If your dog is behaving badly, always address him instead of calling him to you.


A dog that just wants to sit at its owner’s feet to stay in another area is to order too! This is why it is the most difficult commands to teach when training a dog in obedience. Like the other basic commands, the “Stay” command is another lifeguard.

A dog who is taught to stay, will not chase a duck or a cat in the street. The dog that understands this command can also learn more advanced obedience commands. The goal you want to accomplish with this order is to teach your dog that its job is to stay right where it is until further instructions are given.

How to teach the command: “Stay”:

Put a leash on your dog and make him feel comfortable next to you.
Slap him gently on his snout and say “Stay”
Walk in front of your dog, wait a few seconds, and then step back and stand at his side.
Reward it for not breaking the order.
If he moves, quietly say “Ups” or “No” and guide him back to where he was initially. Again, repeat the “Stay” command along with a hand signal.
Practice this several times a day in different places.
After rewarding him with praise and a treat, teach him a word of deliverance. That is to say, the word that you will say when the time comes for him to be released from the order. A good word of liberation is “ok”.


Hold a very tasty treat in your closed hand and place it on the muzzle of your dog.
When you notice the smell of the candy, move your hand to the floor. You should follow the hand that hides the candy.
While the dog’s head follows your hand, move it along the floor in front of him. Your body will follow your head and once you lie down, open your hand to let him eat the treat.

Repeat several times a day and accompany the behavior with the word “échate”.
If your dog throws itself into your hand, say “No” and withdraw your hand before it can reach the candy. If you try to sit down, you interrupt the workout and start again. Never push it down.

Like any intelligent dog, he will try everything to get the treat. It is showing efforts to fulfill the command and should not be punished for thinking. Encourage him in every progress, however small, until he understands the command. After a successful attempt, always release your dog from training and play with it.

To walk on a leash this is one of the most common reasons why an owner wants to train a dog in obedience. A dog that does not pull his leash shows his neighbors and friends who have trained him and who is a good member of the community. In addition, a dog that walks closely with its owner is less likely to become fearful in the face of new situations.


Your dog has already begun to learn the “ride on a leash” command. And to understand that the strap connects to both, it’s time to start training it to walk politely and quietly by your side.

How to teach him to walk on a leash:

Hold your leash around its neck and say “Come on” using a kind voice. Put the treats in your pocket on the left side or in a bag to please him.
He animates his forward movement by stroking his left leg. When he is near you, put a candy in his mouth.

When he steps forward or stands back, stand up and let him explore until he reaches the end of the leash.
A slight tension on the belt will make you turn around. As soon as you feel the slack in the right spot, say a verbal reinforcement “Yes” as a compliment and the treat when it comes back to you.

Do not leave without knowing the benefits of training a dog.

Training a dog in obedience should not be an impossible task if you have the right tools. In addition, you have to have a lot of patience and understanding of how the mind of your pet works…